Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Photography Tips - What's the Story?

Our brains are always making up stories - taking in 'the facts' from the senses and assembling them into a plausible scenario, or rather, several plausible scenarios - then our more conscious mind evaluates them.
When looking at a photograph we may start to create stories in our minds about a plausible meaning - especially with less abstact photos.
If people are the subject of the image we imagine their life.

This photo was taken in Elora just a few hundred feet and a few minutes apart from an earlier photo of three young women along the Grand River. See it here.
A completely different story - and their proximity is another story being played out across the world.

There are many ways a photo can engage a viwer - one is to include elements which arouse the interest of the story making machinery. And just like songs, poems and other works of fiction can work on several levels metaphorically: a photo can be read in many ways.

It's one more consideration when reviewing your work - what's the story?


1 comment:

Lorna said...

That would probably be a sad story...